we've all been fighting a little lingering cold that doesn't want to shake itself entirely out of our bodies. it's nothing major but it's slow nose drip and throat tickle are annoying. Perhaps it is merely coincidental, but since Owen has caught this little bug he's become more of a bug himself. His stubbornness has gotten stronger and his desires with it. So, if he wants chips then you better believe he will make that request known. He gets this look in his eye that I am sure he's mimicking from a time when I was determinedly telling him to not throw his food on the floor. But he looks at you, eyes kindof slanted, and says, '..i...want...chips!!!' The fact that there aren't any chips in the house doesn't matter whatsoever; no, he doesn't care about that little fact. But at any rate, these little episodes ('sodes as i like to say) usually pass after his fall-straight-onto-the-floor-while-yelling fit, followed by some quiet time in his room. He usually emerges feeling calm and happy and, gratefully, the chips forgotten.
obviously our little owen is becoming more aware of the possibilities one uncovers when one exerts his will. as parents, we are trying to allow the space he needs to be determined, forceful and then upset. he certainly balances out his tantrums with his still-intact sweet disposition (despite all i've said). He's becoming quite the little talker, as well as a caring boy. If one of us coughs, his immediate question, 'you okay?' never fails to make us smile. His laugh and smile, as contagious as ever, emerge easily. He loves wishing us 'big days' when we leave for work, and his uncontrollable excitement when we arrive home is marvelous and is like no other homecoming. one of his forms of play has been to pretend to go to work. he has a couple bags that he puts over his shoulders, he gives kisses and hugs then says bye and have a big day, then he's off 'to work'. Sometimes this involves putting on shoes, mitten and his tuque (all of which he has to do himself), but he's never gone long. His work days are short. He gives hugs and kisses all over again as he happily announces that he's home (shome!).
life is busy and full; we're content while tired.