It's nearly Christmas and there is a lot of excitement in this household! Yes, that's parent and kid excitement. It's just so much more fun creating traditions, carrying on old ones, giving presents, decorating, listening to music, etc, when there's kids who are loving every minute of it and glowing with Christmas spirit! We leave for Ontario on the 22nd (woohoo!) so that means we're doing Christmas morning tomorrow. We bought the Lil Smokies today, I just made Polly's Eggs (egg milk cheese oven bake which will sit overnight in the fridge then it just needs to be popped into the oven in the morning and voila breakfast is ready without anyone having to work on it in the morning = time to open presents), we will soon lay out all the presents under the tree. We ate shepherd's pie for supper tonight and read the part in Luke 2 that talks about the shepherds. All this to say: I love having family traditions that I can be excited about year after year, and having them be something the kids anticipate, too. Sadly, we couldn't make gingerbread cookies this year. Our baking supplies aren't all unpacked yet - they weren't initially unpacked because I thought we'd be in our new place by now! *sigh. We did find out our new apartment number, though. It's the apartment we wanted so we're eager to move. However, we aren't sure yet when we'll get the go-ahead on that.
Merry Christmas to all! To those in Ontario: we hope to see and visit with you soon! And to those in Minnesota: we are so sad to not be there as there so many dear people we are missing.