Thursday, March 29, 2012

March is nearly over!

It's hard to believe we're nearing the end of this month. It's been a busy, full month. Ry is nearing the end of his first year of his PhD, we're getting closer and closer to meeting our littlest girl, I just turned 30, and this weekend I will get 2 nights away from the family and hang out with dear St. Paul friends in New York City.

Ben, Tracy and their 2 year old son Ezra, just visited us this past weekend. It was a fun time together, the children played nicely, and the weather allowed for some enjoyable time outside. Many of the trees in downtown Princeton were in bloom - it was really beautiful! There were so many different types and colours of blossoms. 

We grilled out on Saturday my birthday evening. Even though it was chillier than it has been in a while, it was fun to be with friends and eat summer-like food. My friend Melissa was so sweet and thoughtful: she brought a birthday cake to the gathering. It was fun to blow out candles & have a home-style celebration with people whom I've met only recently but love and am glad to call my friends.

In other news, Aleida was a champion and is potty trained! Hooray! It took about 4 days and she had it down. I think on day 3 she actually started using the potty without telling anyone about it first. She still has the odd accident but it is rare and happens at busy & hectic times, and the whole pooping part is mostly figured out, though it isn't consistent enough for me to say she has that down. Even when we're out, she requests to pee! She still wears a diaper at night, but she was up 3 times last night and I think it's because she's becoming aware of when she pees in her sleep. We're excited about how easily she adjusted to no diaper! I think Owen has had a big hand in her learning quickly; he enjoyed telling her when he was going to pee so she could go at the same time. We made up a song and when she was done peeing, we'd do a dance together. She really likes wearing underwear, too. That was part of her motivation to learn, too. She also likes reviewing all the people in her life who use the potty, which is nearly everyone!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Is it summer?!

We've had unbelievably warm weather lately. We finally found nice affordable used patio furniture on Craigslist. We bought it and got it set -up just in time for the heat wave! We ate supper outside last night.

These pictures are repeats from what I've posted on Facebook.

Monday, March 05, 2012

sledding winter fun

This weekend the kids and I drove up to my parents place. It's the first time I've done a road trip on my own that far with the kids. The drive here went excellent and I hope the same tomorrow, when I drive back. Ry went camping along the eastern coast with Daryl, Joel and Markus. Their excursion let me to take my trip north. I'm glad we did! We've had a lot of fun here.

My dad spend good time with Owen outside, which Owen loved (my dad, too, I'm sure!).