We decided that writing in a blog would be a convenient consistent way of staying in contact with loved ones who are far (and near!), as so many dear people are scattered all over. We'll be updating this blog mostly with information about the baby, or news leading up to the baby's arrival.
Speaking of pre-baby news, we had a doctor's appointment this past Friday. We rode up to Saint John with the Sider's, which was really fun. We stopped at Value Village first, wandered around there and picked up some house items and a teeny newborn knit sweater (very sweet!). Then Ry and I drove to the hospital, checked in, and went to our ultrasound. It was fun to see parts of the baby. The head measures 9cm, and they think it's about 6.5lbs. The head is down, which gives me much relief. Everything looks excellent, so far as they can tell. The babe's heart rate is about 135 beats/min. There's been a change in the baby's due date: no longer Oct 9, but more around Sept 30 - the ultrasound said I was 36weeks, and I thought I was almost 35. A week and a half difference. I'm not too concerned or suprised, as the baby will come when it wants anyway. So, we're glad to know everything is as it should be. After our ultrasound, we went to see the doctor - this experience was terrible. I don't want to have another appointment with that doctor, and I hope he isn't on duty when I am in labour (please pray he's not!). The whole experience was rotten, from him being about 2 hours before coming in to see us, to him not listening to my concerns, to him making us feel guilty and irresponsible for our lack of medical care up to this point - something completely beyond our control. He just straight up was not nice. We left feeling gross, but we also left with good news about my health and the baby's.
We have some more good books to read, loaned to us by a doula here in town. She's about to leave town for the winter so she won't be able to attend our birth, but she was a helpful resource over the phone, and by lending us some of her prized books.
I'm feeling more and more ready and prepared for the babe to come. The truth about becoming a parent is finally setting in, and I'm ready to embrace it and whatever change it brings. This baby is nearly ready to join us in life outside my belly.
Yea! I'm glad you're blogging this stuff. Thanks for sharing!
yippee! sept 30!
Hi guys! So good to see you have a blog! I've added it to my daily blogroll list, and I eagerly await all news.
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