this has been a good day. the dining room finally has drapes that will hopefully keep the room cozier. even this autumn breeze and the cool evenings have chilled that room so much (i fear what winter will do!). also, i baked bread and cookies today so our freezer is a little more stocked. it's true: cookies probably weren't a necessary thing to have in the freezer, but they are 'nutritional' cookies. peanut butter, calcium filled, wheaty (no refined anything) morsels of goodness. they'll do well when I'm tired out and need a little joy-food pick-me-up.
i've been feeling okay, although the babe is definitely getting bigger and I am, finally, feeling awkward. I absolutely have been spoiled with feeling great this entire pregnancy. Now that i'm not feeling excellent, i'm finding it difficult and I really want this baby to make it's way out! I think I need to chill out a bit more and then my back won't 'cry' so much at the end of the day.
well I'm off to soak in the tub. even though there's a pile of dishes to do and i want to do them - just in case! - i think i'm going to leave them go. but then again, after my tub-soak, i just might feel up to it. we'll see. no matter what, i'll not stress about it nor will i try to get everything accomplished. slow down and relax, that is what i'm being told to do: i'm trying.
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