Owen and I played with his farmset today. This isn't an unusual occurrance, but we played with it a bit differently. I was laying on the floor and he noticed me though the haymow window. He was playing infront of it, while I was tapping my fingers on the inside of the window. He thought this was very funny, but his excitement grew when he found he could see my face in his little farmset! He just though this was fantastic. He moved on to opening the doors on the barn so far open that a couple popped off. He didn't intend for this to happen, and he kept trying to put them back on without success. He just kept opening and closing the one that was still intact. He would open it, reach in and touch the floor (he had the barn on its side so it was like opening a box then looking in). Since he enjoyed seeing my face so much in the barn I thought I'd try to relive the experience. He enjoyed this so much, too, especially since he could touch my face this time! We had a fun time doing this over and over again.
He is a very good walker now. He doesn't fall very often, and he really doesn't crawl anymore. He is still so very intentional about the whole thing, it's quite funny. His whole upper body tenses up, and he waddles around with his fists clenched, up by his face, and his shoulders shrugged! It's so cute.
Owen had a dr. appointment yesterday, a little overdue for his 1 yr check-up. He's a healthy little boy, our Doctor said. I didn't have any doubts, but it was good to hear. He apparently has fallen into the 25% for weight and height (used to be 75%) and his head circumference is now in the 75% while it used to be 25%! Interesting. Though his weight and height haven't changed much, I have brought out all his 12-18 month clothes now, as his arms and legs have certainly grown, most particularly his arms. That, and I'm more conscious of keeping him in clothes that cover him up now that is is getting winter-like outside. We took a nice brisk walk this afternoon and he wore his nice little mits and a warm hat. Though it was chilly, he seemed to enjoy it very much.
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