Owen started the day pretty early, getting up at 5:30 but going back to sleep again, he crawled into our bed at 6:30 and we all were able to sleep a little more. He did so well to wait until I said Happy Birthday to him, then he sat up and said, "Now? It's my birthday now?!" We had apple spice waffles for breakfast and gave Owen his birthday present. He received a buffalo to add to his farm animals and barn; magnet numbers; and write-n-wipe letter cards. He had fun playing with all those things that day. We had a little party for him that evening. Erin, Ben and Lily, Granny, Nain and Poppa Sam, and Nonny and Taid all came over. It was a fun time together! Owen received many fun things that evening - and by mail throughout the week, too! He certainly is a lucky lucky boy who has many generous people in his life. He has many beautiful things to keep him busy, amused, challenged and smart.

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