While i was sick, ry had his first week back teaching. new semester, 3 new classes teaching the same material from last semester.
Not this past Sunday, but the Sunday before, Aleida was dedicated. This is a photograph that someone at church took, and shared with us.

Just a week or so ago (probably longer, as i have no sense for time anymore), my friend Rachael posted a similar photograph of rows of bottles on the kitchen floor. While Owen had not seen that picture, he had a similar idea of fun, I guess.

Stamping is a pretty dirty occasion. We've discovered that it is an activity that requires pretty close supervision. I don't have a photograph of the end of that stamping session. He had removed the ink pad from the case and rubbed it all over his arms. Let's just say he was rinsed for a long time under the bathtub facet.
Aleida is quite the cute kid. She's very expressive, as I've tried to capture in the below photographs. Unfortunately her facial expressions are full of body movement so she's hard to take pictures of.
charlie's birthday was a couple weekends ago. here are some pictures.

1 comment:
Thank you for sharing your pics.
Your smiles across the miles brings smiles to us.
Love from Aunt Alice
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