Friday, March 11, 2011

we will move.

I realized I should update the blog with our latest big news:

Ry was accepted into Princeton Theological Seminary's PhD program, to begin fall of 2011! This is the school that he most wanted to be accepted into, so we're thrilled about it. Though less thrilled about the move, of course. But alas, at the end of the summer, we will pack our lives up into a big truck and head East, to Princeton, NJ. We'll be one hour from New York City, an hour from the ocean, 7 and a half hrs from my parents, 10 hours from Toronto, and 10 hours from New Brunswick. It will be a treat to be East! Certainly we want as many visitors as possible. And we have hopes of making as many road-trips as we can manage. It will be a major transition, but it is one that we've been gearing up for ever since Ry discovered his passion for theology. We're so glad to be taking this major step toward him obtaining his PhD.


somebody said...

so exciting!
such great news!
congrats ry.
it has to be said though, in light of the previous post, owen is definitely following in rys footsteps!
yea for being closer!

Anonymous said...

congratulations!! How exciting! (and scary)