Tuesday, October 27, 2009

fun times for all

ry and i were treated to some time to ourselves this week! first came wednesday evening, where friends Jessie and Justin took Owen for a couple of hours so that Ry and I could check out our friend's new place, 'the anchor fish and chips'. it's an irish fish and chips place - absolutely delicious (best we've ever had) and they do guiness right, too. it's all really yummy and tactfully done. We had a nice time out together.
Then, Sunday afternoon Erin, Lillian and Ben took Owen home with them. Ry and I were then off for an overnight stay in downtown Saint Paul. We thought - we never have the opportunity to stay and hang out all night on our city! so we decided to drive a wee distance from home to enjoy our own city. And we had a fantastic time. It was really refreshing to just be with one another outside all our usually commitments. It took me back to the times we used to share on a daily basis, way back when we first met! No kid, no finances, no jobs, etc. There's a little old towboat on the mississippi river, downtown saint paul, that now operates as a bed and breakfast (www.covingtoninn.com). We spent the evening walking around saint paul, dined at a place called Senor Wong, and tried to get dessert at a nice little cafe but it was closed. we ended up walking A LOT which was great and part of what i wanted to do, but we kindof set ourselves up for a lot of extra walking. It was a good time together. Monday morning, then, we went a nice tea shop, sampled some and purchased some. We went into bookstores . . . we did things we can't easily (or enjoyably) do with a 3 year old.

The great thing about of all this, about our fun times, is that Owen had really awesome times, too! He loved his time away and didn't really want to come home with me when pick-up time rolled around. We're glad he likes his time away from us. He'll have more Lillian sleepovers soon.

1 comment:

roger flyer said...

Love it and Day by Day Cafe too