Friday, December 11, 2020

"rooms" and "walls"

We've discussed how to make the attic more functional for our 3 kids but can't swing construction for many reasons. So we opted to get sturdy room dividers.
While these "walls" are temporary and they could get knocked over with a solid push, they're splicing our space how we need it right now. 

Here is Al in her room.
Owen's walls got lost on route so maybe they'll arrive next week, and Wendy's room was too messy to photograph. 

We have a Christmas tree!

Sunday, May 10, 2020

wendy reading to Pinky

Social distancing update. April and May 2020.

View of our peach tree from our living room window.

Some music time.

Close up peach blossom.

Homeschooling with Wendy is different every day. 

Wendy reading to Pinky.

Ice cream with Wendy on her birthday. 

The girls playing outside in the yard.

Yummy pizza, this was cooked in Ry's new outdoor portable pizza oven.

Here is Ry working with his new pizza oven.