Thursday, October 05, 2006

sweet autumn leaves

it is a beautiful day today! the breezy air is crisp and the sun is so warm. i just arrived back from an afternoon drive to our farmers at Bantry Bay farm, along the bay's shore. it's a perfect day to get vegetables and to spend time outside. kath, luke, mike, brad and i sat out on their porch for a while and visited, while the sun roasted us and began to wilt the freshly picked greens. such a rejuvinating time of fresh air, fresh veggies, and 'fresh' friends, as in i don't see them often so when i do it is a treat.

i'm so glad we finally have our fridge stocked with veggies. now i can cook some meals for the freezer, and we can have some variety in our suppers again; we'd been low on veggies for a couple days now. even though we were at the store just a day ago, we couldn't bring ourselves to buy produce there; we didn't know where it came from and it all looked sad in comparison to the fresh picked wonderfulness we get from Bantry Bay.

ry and i decided the baby is never going to come; we're going to be the rare occasion of the baby never arriving. we've begun telling people this when they say what they say everytime they see us, 'still no baby yet!'. this is my cover while i secretly hope that perhaps this shift of thinking will make the baby come today. i'll let you know if it works.


Anonymous said...

I want you to know that I am reading this daily..reading, waiting, hoping that this new life enters the world and soon! Though if you have to remain 9 months pregnant for the rest of your life, at least you will look amazing and beautiful!
Love you, Ry, and unborn babe,

somebody said...

ahhh sweet autumn is right! your day sounds wonderful! im jealous! fresh veg, and good talks with friends. this is what life was meant to be i think. we're thinking of you both lots these days. much love to you dear friends